The National Hybrid Heat Pump Plan - Privacy statement

The National Hybrid Heat Pump Plan - Privacy statement

The National Hybrid Heat Pump Plan - Privacy statement

Privacy Policy

The National Hybrid Heat Pump Plan is carried out by HAAS Heating BV. HAAS Heating BV processes personal data. In this Privacy Policy, you can read about how we handle your personal data or the personal data of your employees.

Whose personal data do we process?

We process personal data of people with whom we (and/or our credit provider and subsidy provider) want to establish, have, or have had a customer relationship. For example, this includes personal data of:

- (former) Customers and their representatives.
- Persons connected to a company or organization with whom we want to establish, have, or have had a customer relationship.
- Visitors to our website.
- Other individuals with whom we have contact.

Why do we process your personal data?
1 To establish a customer relationship with you or your company (either directly or through a fund)

If you (or your company) want to become a customer or obtain a new product, we need your personal data. For example, we ask for a copy of your ID to verify and check your identity. Also, research needs to be conducted to assess whether a customer can be accepted or whether credit can be provided. For this, we may ask for information about your income, expenses, the value of your home, and your marital status. We may also use data about you obtained from others, for example from the Credit Registration Office (BKR). With regard to BKR and consumers, your personal data and the data from the agreement are provided to BKR to conduct a check for customer acceptance. If a payment obligation is not met, this could result in a notification of a delay at BKR, which can also be seen by other BKR participants. You can find more information about the processing of your personal data and your rights on Even if you have contact with HAAS Heating BV for work, we may process your personal data. For example, to determine whether you are authorized to represent your company. Your personal data may also be used to answer any questions you may have.

2. To maintain the relationship with you and to execute an agreement or assignments

If you are a customer of ours, we want to provide you with good service. For this, we process personal data. For example, we use your name and contact details to maintain contact with you and to execute an agreement in which you or your company is a party. We may also record (telephone) conversations for quality control and training, coaching, and assessment purposes. If you have a mortgage with National Mortgage Guarantee and sell your home with a residual debt, we also share your data with your other lenders and the National Mortgage Guarantee Foundation in order to file a loss declaration.

3. To prevent and investigate fraud

Your personal data can also be processed to prevent and investigate fraud. For this, incident registers and warning systems of the financial sector may be consulted and personal data may be recorded in them which are also accessible to other participants. Public sources may also be consulted, such as public registers, newspapers, and the internet. With this, we want to protect your and our interests and those of the financial sector.

The entire set of processing activities with regard to the Incident Register in which we (respectively, where applicable, the fund of which HAAS Heating BV is the fund manager) participate is intended to support activities aimed at safeguarding the safety and integrity of the financial sector, including (the whole of) activities aimed at: recognizing, preventing, investigating, and combating behaviors that could lead to detriment of the industry to which we respectively the fund belong, of the economic entity (group) to which we respectively the fund belong, we ourselves respectively the fund, as well as clients and employees of ourselves respectively the fund; recognizing, preventing, investigating, and combating improper use of products, services, and facilities and/or (attempts) at unlawful or reprehensible behaviors and/or violation of (legal) regulations, aimed at the industry to which we respectively the fund belong, of the economic entity (group) to which we respectively the fund belong, ourselves respectively the fund, as well as clients and employees of ourselves respectively the fund; and the use of and participation in warning systems.

4. To comply with legal obligations

Based on laws and regulations, we must record certain personal data of customers and sometimes also provide them to authorities or regulators. For example, to the Tax Authorities, the Authority for Financial Markets, the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, and the European Central Bank. Personal data must also be kept in accordance with legal retention obligations.

5. For the development and improvement of our products and services

In order to continue to provide you with good service, we are constantly working on the development and improvement of our products and services. For example, through customer research. Sometimes personal data is processed for this. For example, if you ask a question about a product. We also sometimes use personal data to test our automated systems.

6. For carrying out promotional and marketing purposes

Personal data is also processed for marketing activities. For example, you may be informed about products and services by post, telephone, or email. If you do not want to be approached for marketing activities (anymore), you can always contact us. You can find our contact details at the bottom of this Privacy Policy

Grounds for data processing

We process your data for the most part as part of carrying out the agreement we have concluded with you. Sometimes we also have to process your data as a result of a legal obligation that we must comply with. In addition, we process your data for certain legitimate interests, such as: for quality control and training, coaching, and assessment purposes, for preventing fraud, to safeguard the safety and integrity of the financial sector, for the development and improvement of our products and services, or for marketing activities.

For certain processing activities, we ask for your consent. In these cases, you always have the right to withdraw your consent with regard to future processing activities.

How do we handle your data?

Your personal data is carefully stored and not kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was processed or to comply with legal retention obligations. Only employees who need access to it for their function can use your personal data. Our employees also have a duty of confidentiality.

With whom do we share your data?

In addition to the aforementioned organizations, we also share your personal data, as far as applicable to your situation, with parties for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy. We also provide reports to the financiers of these funds. Currently, these are the following funds:

National Heat Fund

Energy Fund The Hague

Fund Space and Economy The Hague

Clean Frisian Energy Fund

City Ports Development Fund

City Ports Development Fund

Sustainability Fund Owners’ Associations The Hague

BNG Sustainability Fund

We share data when we are legally obliged to do so, and to prevent fraud and money laundering. For example, with the Tax Authorities, the Authority for Financial Markets, the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the European Central Bank, and other financial institutions. If your loan is made possible by a municipality, province, or housing association, your personal data will also be shared with the municipality or province where you live or the relevant housing association in the context of your application. Your data is also shared with third parties when we engage contractors for certain activities. For example, our IT supplier for hosting, maintenance, and support of our IT system. Or for the provision of printed matter and conducting customer research. We collaborate with contractors who take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data. They have a duty of confidentiality. They are not allowed to use your personal data for their own marketing activities. If there is a contractor outside the EU in a country that does not provide similar privacy protection as the EU, appropriate safeguards will be put in place to protect your personal data. If you have a loan or credit with us, we also provide your data to BKR in certain cases. For example, the amount of the loan or payment arrears. We also share personal data with notary offices, bailiffs, curators, and real estate agents/appraisers when we need to enforce securities.

References and links

Our website contains links to other external websites. Our website is also referred to and our logo is used on external websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites. We are not responsible for the content of those websites and how they handle your personal data. We always advise you to check how these sites handle your personal data.

Rules on processing personal data

We comply with the applicable laws and regulations for the protection of personal data. For example, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We also comply with the Telecommunications Act when sending commercial messages by email or telemarketing. Appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to protect personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing.

Rights regarding personal data

Do you want to know which personal data is known to us as the data controller? You can always ask us this. If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you can ask us to adjust or supplement this data. If you believe that your data should be deleted or its processing restricted, or if you object to processing or want your data to be transferred, you can also inform us about this. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


Our websites use cookies. Our Cookie Policy (as available on our websites) applies to this.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We can unilaterally amend this Privacy Policy, for example in the event of a change in the law or due to our policy. Therefore, regularly consult the Privacy Policy on our website. You will always find the most recent version there. The last change was made on July 22, 2020.

Questions or complaints

If you have a question or complaint about this Privacy Policy or about how we handle your personal data, you can contact:
Attn. Data Protection Officer
Groot Tegeler 9a
7535EB Enschede

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer via

Privacy Policy

The National Hybrid Heat Pump Plan is carried out by HAAS Heating BV. HAAS Heating BV processes personal data. In this Privacy Policy, you can read about how we handle your personal data or the personal data of your employees.

Whose personal data do we process?

We process personal data of people with whom we (and/or our credit provider and subsidy provider) want to establish, have, or have had a customer relationship. For example, this includes personal data of:

- (former) Customers and their representatives.
- Persons connected to a company or organization with whom we want to establish, have, or have had a customer relationship.
- Visitors to our website.
- Other individuals with whom we have contact.

Why do we process your personal data?
1 To establish a customer relationship with you or your company (either directly or through a fund)

If you (or your company) want to become a customer or obtain a new product, we need your personal data. For example, we ask for a copy of your ID to verify and check your identity. Also, research needs to be conducted to assess whether a customer can be accepted or whether credit can be provided. For this, we may ask for information about your income, expenses, the value of your home, and your marital status. We may also use data about you obtained from others, for example from the Credit Registration Office (BKR). With regard to BKR and consumers, your personal data and the data from the agreement are provided to BKR to conduct a check for customer acceptance. If a payment obligation is not met, this could result in a notification of a delay at BKR, which can also be seen by other BKR participants. You can find more information about the processing of your personal data and your rights on Even if you have contact with HAAS Heating BV for work, we may process your personal data. For example, to determine whether you are authorized to represent your company. Your personal data may also be used to answer any questions you may have.

2. To maintain the relationship with you and to execute an agreement or assignments

If you are a customer of ours, we want to provide you with good service. For this, we process personal data. For example, we use your name and contact details to maintain contact with you and to execute an agreement in which you or your company is a party. We may also record (telephone) conversations for quality control and training, coaching, and assessment purposes. If you have a mortgage with National Mortgage Guarantee and sell your home with a residual debt, we also share your data with your other lenders and the National Mortgage Guarantee Foundation in order to file a loss declaration.

3. To prevent and investigate fraud

Your personal data can also be processed to prevent and investigate fraud. For this, incident registers and warning systems of the financial sector may be consulted and personal data may be recorded in them which are also accessible to other participants. Public sources may also be consulted, such as public registers, newspapers, and the internet. With this, we want to protect your and our interests and those of the financial sector.

The entire set of processing activities with regard to the Incident Register in which we (respectively, where applicable, the fund of which HAAS Heating BV is the fund manager) participate is intended to support activities aimed at safeguarding the safety and integrity of the financial sector, including (the whole of) activities aimed at: recognizing, preventing, investigating, and combating behaviors that could lead to detriment of the industry to which we respectively the fund belong, of the economic entity (group) to which we respectively the fund belong, we ourselves respectively the fund, as well as clients and employees of ourselves respectively the fund; recognizing, preventing, investigating, and combating improper use of products, services, and facilities and/or (attempts) at unlawful or reprehensible behaviors and/or violation of (legal) regulations, aimed at the industry to which we respectively the fund belong, of the economic entity (group) to which we respectively the fund belong, ourselves respectively the fund, as well as clients and employees of ourselves respectively the fund; and the use of and participation in warning systems.

4. To comply with legal obligations

Based on laws and regulations, we must record certain personal data of customers and sometimes also provide them to authorities or regulators. For example, to the Tax Authorities, the Authority for Financial Markets, the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, and the European Central Bank. Personal data must also be kept in accordance with legal retention obligations.

5. For the development and improvement of our products and services

In order to continue to provide you with good service, we are constantly working on the development and improvement of our products and services. For example, through customer research. Sometimes personal data is processed for this. For example, if you ask a question about a product. We also sometimes use personal data to test our automated systems.

6. For carrying out promotional and marketing purposes

Personal data is also processed for marketing activities. For example, you may be informed about products and services by post, telephone, or email. If you do not want to be approached for marketing activities (anymore), you can always contact us. You can find our contact details at the bottom of this Privacy Policy

Grounds for data processing

We process your data for the most part as part of carrying out the agreement we have concluded with you. Sometimes we also have to process your data as a result of a legal obligation that we must comply with. In addition, we process your data for certain legitimate interests, such as: for quality control and training, coaching, and assessment purposes, for preventing fraud, to safeguard the safety and integrity of the financial sector, for the development and improvement of our products and services, or for marketing activities.

For certain processing activities, we ask for your consent. In these cases, you always have the right to withdraw your consent with regard to future processing activities.

How do we handle your data?

Your personal data is carefully stored and not kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was processed or to comply with legal retention obligations. Only employees who need access to it for their function can use your personal data. Our employees also have a duty of confidentiality.

With whom do we share your data?

In addition to the aforementioned organizations, we also share your personal data, as far as applicable to your situation, with parties for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy. We also provide reports to the financiers of these funds. Currently, these are the following funds:

National Heat Fund

Energy Fund The Hague

Fund Space and Economy The Hague

Clean Frisian Energy Fund

City Ports Development Fund

City Ports Development Fund

Sustainability Fund Owners’ Associations The Hague

BNG Sustainability Fund

We share data when we are legally obliged to do so, and to prevent fraud and money laundering. For example, with the Tax Authorities, the Authority for Financial Markets, the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the European Central Bank, and other financial institutions. If your loan is made possible by a municipality, province, or housing association, your personal data will also be shared with the municipality or province where you live or the relevant housing association in the context of your application. Your data is also shared with third parties when we engage contractors for certain activities. For example, our IT supplier for hosting, maintenance, and support of our IT system. Or for the provision of printed matter and conducting customer research. We collaborate with contractors who take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data. They have a duty of confidentiality. They are not allowed to use your personal data for their own marketing activities. If there is a contractor outside the EU in a country that does not provide similar privacy protection as the EU, appropriate safeguards will be put in place to protect your personal data. If you have a loan or credit with us, we also provide your data to BKR in certain cases. For example, the amount of the loan or payment arrears. We also share personal data with notary offices, bailiffs, curators, and real estate agents/appraisers when we need to enforce securities.

References and links

Our website contains links to other external websites. Our website is also referred to and our logo is used on external websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites. We are not responsible for the content of those websites and how they handle your personal data. We always advise you to check how these sites handle your personal data.

Rules on processing personal data

We comply with the applicable laws and regulations for the protection of personal data. For example, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We also comply with the Telecommunications Act when sending commercial messages by email or telemarketing. Appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to protect personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing.

Rights regarding personal data

Do you want to know which personal data is known to us as the data controller? You can always ask us this. If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you can ask us to adjust or supplement this data. If you believe that your data should be deleted or its processing restricted, or if you object to processing or want your data to be transferred, you can also inform us about this. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


Our websites use cookies. Our Cookie Policy (as available on our websites) applies to this.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We can unilaterally amend this Privacy Policy, for example in the event of a change in the law or due to our policy. Therefore, regularly consult the Privacy Policy on our website. You will always find the most recent version there. The last change was made on July 22, 2020.

Questions or complaints

If you have a question or complaint about this Privacy Policy or about how we handle your personal data, you can contact:
Attn. Data Protection Officer
Groot Tegeler 9a
7535EB Enschede

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer via

Privacy Policy

The National Hybrid Heat Pump Plan is carried out by HAAS Heating BV. HAAS Heating BV processes personal data. In this Privacy Policy, you can read about how we handle your personal data or the personal data of your employees.

Whose personal data do we process?

We process personal data of people with whom we (and/or our credit provider and subsidy provider) want to establish, have, or have had a customer relationship. For example, this includes personal data of:

- (former) Customers and their representatives.
- Persons connected to a company or organization with whom we want to establish, have, or have had a customer relationship.
- Visitors to our website.
- Other individuals with whom we have contact.

Why do we process your personal data?
1 To establish a customer relationship with you or your company (either directly or through a fund)

If you (or your company) want to become a customer or obtain a new product, we need your personal data. For example, we ask for a copy of your ID to verify and check your identity. Also, research needs to be conducted to assess whether a customer can be accepted or whether credit can be provided. For this, we may ask for information about your income, expenses, the value of your home, and your marital status. We may also use data about you obtained from others, for example from the Credit Registration Office (BKR). With regard to BKR and consumers, your personal data and the data from the agreement are provided to BKR to conduct a check for customer acceptance. If a payment obligation is not met, this could result in a notification of a delay at BKR, which can also be seen by other BKR participants. You can find more information about the processing of your personal data and your rights on Even if you have contact with HAAS Heating BV for work, we may process your personal data. For example, to determine whether you are authorized to represent your company. Your personal data may also be used to answer any questions you may have.

2. To maintain the relationship with you and to execute an agreement or assignments

If you are a customer of ours, we want to provide you with good service. For this, we process personal data. For example, we use your name and contact details to maintain contact with you and to execute an agreement in which you or your company is a party. We may also record (telephone) conversations for quality control and training, coaching, and assessment purposes. If you have a mortgage with National Mortgage Guarantee and sell your home with a residual debt, we also share your data with your other lenders and the National Mortgage Guarantee Foundation in order to file a loss declaration.

3. To prevent and investigate fraud

Your personal data can also be processed to prevent and investigate fraud. For this, incident registers and warning systems of the financial sector may be consulted and personal data may be recorded in them which are also accessible to other participants. Public sources may also be consulted, such as public registers, newspapers, and the internet. With this, we want to protect your and our interests and those of the financial sector.

The entire set of processing activities with regard to the Incident Register in which we (respectively, where applicable, the fund of which HAAS Heating BV is the fund manager) participate is intended to support activities aimed at safeguarding the safety and integrity of the financial sector, including (the whole of) activities aimed at: recognizing, preventing, investigating, and combating behaviors that could lead to detriment of the industry to which we respectively the fund belong, of the economic entity (group) to which we respectively the fund belong, we ourselves respectively the fund, as well as clients and employees of ourselves respectively the fund; recognizing, preventing, investigating, and combating improper use of products, services, and facilities and/or (attempts) at unlawful or reprehensible behaviors and/or violation of (legal) regulations, aimed at the industry to which we respectively the fund belong, of the economic entity (group) to which we respectively the fund belong, ourselves respectively the fund, as well as clients and employees of ourselves respectively the fund; and the use of and participation in warning systems.

4. To comply with legal obligations

Based on laws and regulations, we must record certain personal data of customers and sometimes also provide them to authorities or regulators. For example, to the Tax Authorities, the Authority for Financial Markets, the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, and the European Central Bank. Personal data must also be kept in accordance with legal retention obligations.

5. For the development and improvement of our products and services

In order to continue to provide you with good service, we are constantly working on the development and improvement of our products and services. For example, through customer research. Sometimes personal data is processed for this. For example, if you ask a question about a product. We also sometimes use personal data to test our automated systems.

6. For carrying out promotional and marketing purposes

Personal data is also processed for marketing activities. For example, you may be informed about products and services by post, telephone, or email. If you do not want to be approached for marketing activities (anymore), you can always contact us. You can find our contact details at the bottom of this Privacy Policy

Grounds for data processing

We process your data for the most part as part of carrying out the agreement we have concluded with you. Sometimes we also have to process your data as a result of a legal obligation that we must comply with. In addition, we process your data for certain legitimate interests, such as: for quality control and training, coaching, and assessment purposes, for preventing fraud, to safeguard the safety and integrity of the financial sector, for the development and improvement of our products and services, or for marketing activities.

For certain processing activities, we ask for your consent. In these cases, you always have the right to withdraw your consent with regard to future processing activities.

How do we handle your data?

Your personal data is carefully stored and not kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was processed or to comply with legal retention obligations. Only employees who need access to it for their function can use your personal data. Our employees also have a duty of confidentiality.

With whom do we share your data?

In addition to the aforementioned organizations, we also share your personal data, as far as applicable to your situation, with parties for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy. We also provide reports to the financiers of these funds. Currently, these are the following funds:

National Heat Fund

Energy Fund The Hague

Fund Space and Economy The Hague

Clean Frisian Energy Fund

City Ports Development Fund

City Ports Development Fund

Sustainability Fund Owners’ Associations The Hague

BNG Sustainability Fund

We share data when we are legally obliged to do so, and to prevent fraud and money laundering. For example, with the Tax Authorities, the Authority for Financial Markets, the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the European Central Bank, and other financial institutions. If your loan is made possible by a municipality, province, or housing association, your personal data will also be shared with the municipality or province where you live or the relevant housing association in the context of your application. Your data is also shared with third parties when we engage contractors for certain activities. For example, our IT supplier for hosting, maintenance, and support of our IT system. Or for the provision of printed matter and conducting customer research. We collaborate with contractors who take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data. They have a duty of confidentiality. They are not allowed to use your personal data for their own marketing activities. If there is a contractor outside the EU in a country that does not provide similar privacy protection as the EU, appropriate safeguards will be put in place to protect your personal data. If you have a loan or credit with us, we also provide your data to BKR in certain cases. For example, the amount of the loan or payment arrears. We also share personal data with notary offices, bailiffs, curators, and real estate agents/appraisers when we need to enforce securities.

References and links

Our website contains links to other external websites. Our website is also referred to and our logo is used on external websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites. We are not responsible for the content of those websites and how they handle your personal data. We always advise you to check how these sites handle your personal data.

Rules on processing personal data

We comply with the applicable laws and regulations for the protection of personal data. For example, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We also comply with the Telecommunications Act when sending commercial messages by email or telemarketing. Appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to protect personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing.

Rights regarding personal data

Do you want to know which personal data is known to us as the data controller? You can always ask us this. If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you can ask us to adjust or supplement this data. If you believe that your data should be deleted or its processing restricted, or if you object to processing or want your data to be transferred, you can also inform us about this. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


Our websites use cookies. Our Cookie Policy (as available on our websites) applies to this.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We can unilaterally amend this Privacy Policy, for example in the event of a change in the law or due to our policy. Therefore, regularly consult the Privacy Policy on our website. You will always find the most recent version there. The last change was made on July 22, 2020.

Questions or complaints

If you have a question or complaint about this Privacy Policy or about how we handle your personal data, you can contact:
Attn. Data Protection Officer
Groot Tegeler 9a
7535EB Enschede

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer via